Uplands Walk REPORT MAY 2024
– Pacifica Housing – Toxic drugs continue to be a problem. More aggressive behaviors of yelling and threats. Same issues with non-residents hanging around the building. Staff continue to move folks along and will call RCMP when needed. We also cut our patrols with Paladin down to 2 per night. Uplands is ideally staffed 24/7 and the staff have been great with moving folks along when needed.
Vancoujver Island Regional Library – Similar issues with an increase of unhoused folks hanging around property. Holes continue to be cut to the fencing and VIRL continues to repair the holes. Increase of substance use on property. No internal occurrences to report.
Regional District of Nanaimo- Increase in activity on property. Increase of shopping carts. Staff will go out and ask folks to move along. Most times they are compliant but if aggressive behaviors present, then RCMP are called to attend. RDN will be cutting the underbrush in June. Have seen/found instances where folks are digging large holes in the dirt and then covering the holes with tree branches. More activity on Hammond Bay Road. Concerns of Fires for the summer months.
If you notice a fire risk, call authorities.
Melissa (Uplands Walk) to reach out to the association with a date for their annual community BBQ in the coming summer months.
Next meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, August 21st from 1:00pm-2:00pm. This will be via Zoom. President Bill and Vice President Oakley will attend
City Governance and Priorities Committee
next scheduled meeting
Wednesday, June 12, 2024 @ 7:00 PM Alternative Approval Process
Neighbourhood Developments
If you wish to see what is building in your area, go to this link.
Yellow = Building Permits
Blue = Development Permits
Orange = Subdivision Permits
If you click on the bubble, it gives details
(some may create more bubbles)
- https://www.nanaimo.ca/whatsbuilding/
an example would be Bowers’ District planning